Books, Articles & Media

Preventing Decline: Advances in the Medical Treatment of Hearing Loss
Nearly 50 million people suffer from hearing loss and associated cognitive decline. Dr. Darrow has worked his entire career to ensure that it doesn’t have to be this way. He cares deeply about taking care of your physical and mental health as you age, and he has dedicated his life’s work to helping people live a better, more balanced, and enjoyable future.
Silenced. The Medical Treatment of Tinnitus
If you are one of the 50 million Americans, or nearly 1.5 billion people worldwide, living with ringing in your ears and have been told ‘there’s nothing you can do about it, this book is for you.
Tinnitus is most often the result of a progressive degenerative disorder that significantly impacts your personal relationships, your ability to work, your sleep, and your brain. The ringing in your ears may be an early indicator of cognitive decline and dementia.
Simple, affordable, and extremely effective treatment exists. In this book you will find:
- The Truth About Why You Have Tinnitus
- How To Effectively Reduce, or Eliminate, Your Tinnitus
- Nutritional Supplements that can Further Silence the Ringing

Stop Living In Isolation: How Treating Hearing Loss & Tinnitus Can Change Your Life, Maintain Your Independence, and May Reduce Your Risk of Dementia
For people who have tried dozens of ‘magic pills’ to get rid of the ringing in their ears or those who have tried over-the-counter traditional hearing aids, Dr. Darrow offers a completely new approach. The medical treatment of hearing loss and tinnitus is not a hearing aid. Instead, Dr. Darrow has identified the most important aspects of treatment that improve hearing in all situations, reduce the ringing in your ears, and help you prevent cognitive decline and dementia.
Aging is Inevitable, but Decline is Optional!
Learn More at Hearing and Brain Centers
Why Do I Struggle Hearing In Noise?

Is There a Cure For My Tinnitus?

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